"In short, Aikido is good for your body, your spirit and your heart.
And it's fun."

Founded: 2003

Dojo Contact Information:

Polgár András, 5th dan aikido (Aikikai) (CV)
2nd dan kendo (ZNKR)
EBR Chuden, Instructor (aikido-jodo-iaido)
Aikikai Hungary & Aikikai-VÖA Shidoin

Aikikai Aikido:
- Official Member of Ecole de Budo Raji International
- Official Member of Aikikai Hungary
- Official Member of Verband Österreichischer Aikidoschulen
Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido - Ecole de Budo RAJI
Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo - Ecole de Budo RAJI
RAJI Ukemi Fitness(c)

Dojo location:
Hungary, Győr-Moson-Sopron county, 9400 Sopron, Győri str. 42. - Over Ford Salon

Weekly class schedule:

18.00-19.00 h (aikido-children-advanced: 8-14 years)
19.00-20.00 h (aikido-junior: 14-16 years)
19.00-20.30 h (aikido-adults)
20.30-21.30 h (MSR iaido-adults)
17.15-18.00 h (aikido-children-beginners: 8-14 years)
18.00-19.00 h (aikido-children-advanced: 8-14 years)
19.00-20.00 h (aikido-junior: 14-16 years)
19.00-20.30 h (aikido-students/adults + Special Class in German for People from Austria)
20.30-21.30 h (SMR jodo-adults)
18.00-18.45 h (aikido-children-beginners: 8-14 years)
19.00-20.00 h (RAJI Ukemi Fitness(c))
19.00-20.30 h (aikido-adults)

For Aikido: Bokken and Jo are required!

All classes are open! Preliminary registration is not required!

For more information about us and the practice write an e-mail to meishindojo(at)gmail.com!

Copyright(c) 2007. Aikido Meishin Association Sopron. All rights reserved.