Leader of Meishin Dojo, Sopron since 2003.
'I was born in 1980. I practiced as a child Shotokan Karate from 1987 and Judo from 1989 till 1992, then I started practicing Aikido in Sopron in the Zanshin Dojo, where I was a co-instructor from 1997 till 2003.
I was promoted to 1st dan in 1999, 2nd dan in 2002, 3rd dan in 2006, 4th dan in 2013,examined by senseis Hiroaki Kobayashi and Manabu Masuda, respectively and to 5th dan in 2019.
At present in my Aikido I emphasize deep understanding and correct practicing of basics, as well its effective teaching methods.
During my trainings I try to provide my students with a good, cheerful atmosphere. My main masters are Jaff Raji and Szabolcs Gollob. I had learned much from the instructors of Kobayashi Dojo visiting Hungary and Georg Meindl (1957-2014) as well.
I like to study books and papers on Aikido and classical Budo. Since May 2004 I practice Kendo together with Aikido under Sensei Erdélyi Gábor 7. dan. I was promoted to Kendo 1st dan in 2007 and to Kendo 2nd dan in 2011. Since May 2005 I practice Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido. Since 2008 I begann to practice the basic movements of Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo.'